
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The concepts of Chakra and its secrets in Naruto!

In Naruto (a series of manga illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto) almost every character has a special ability a sort of a super human potential which they use to execute a technique known as “Jutsu” in the series. Jutsus are the techniques which are beyond the possibilities for human to perform, jutsu involve in usage of 5 natural elements (fire, water, earth, wind and thunder) according to ones command. The jutsu mainly use those elements as weapon. The super human potential I mentioned earlier is called “Chakra” in the series which is the most essential requirement to execute a technique. The characters don't possesses this beyond human level energy called there chakra from the time of their birth, they have to gain it or more particularly mold it.
Diagram showing how both energies are combined together in order to execute elemental jutsu.
In manga of Naruto, characters frequently talks about that energy (chakra) and sometimes also explains and gives instruction that how the chakra is molded. They mentioned, “to possess chakra one must go through the process of combination of two elements or the energies which are physical energy which is squeezed from every cell of the body and mantle or spiritual energy which is gained by exercise, training, experience and meditation. One has to combine these two elements in a body and it results in the formation of a compound energy called chakra.”

This all was what chakra in Naruto series, now lets take look what are actual concepts of chakra are!
The concept of chakra is mainly associated with spiritualism and religious beliefs, the concepts of chakra are widely found in the studies, practices and rituals of Hinduism and Buddhism. The word chakra is from ancient Sanskrit language the word mean “wheels of energy or wheels of energy.”
Traditional chakra system.
In Japanese language there is also one very similar word “Chikara ()” which means “power, strength or force” by getting this fact we can get idea why Masashi used chakra as force beyond human levels.
In our body there is continues flow of electric current through our nerves, which make our nervous system capable of sending or receiving messages from/to entire body. There are some places where many nerves meet each other and create a complex spindle of nerves, those spindles of nerves are called “Nerve plexuses”. In nerve plexus there is a continues supply of high power electric current which makes them special and this is the property which make them different from other parts of body. “These nerve plexuses are what traditionally called chakras.”
The chakra shown in Naruto is basically the addition of concepts from Hinduism about “chakra system” and from china about “yin yang wheel.”
I have explained the significance of Naruto chakra according to traditional chakra system from Hinduism beliefs, now I will tell you how the concepts of yin yang wheel are involved: The chakra in Naruto is a compound energy formed due to internal combination of two other elements of entirely different and opposing forces which are physical energy and mantle energy.
showing how both energies combine to produce chakra.
This combination shows the “symbol of unity” or “Shatkona”, to get this point more efficiently you should first know about Shatkona symbol.
Shatkona is a Sanskrit compound word made with the combination of word “shat meaning six” and “kona means corners or points”, it is a symbol made up of combination of two different triangles. The one with its point downward represent the things and matters related to the world and humans, while the one with its point in upward direction shows the things and the matters related to the world after death or the spiritual world and related to god, souls and angels. Shatkona represents the union of God with man and this world with that world (world after death) that why its called “symbol of unity”. This symbol of unity is mainly associated as the symbol of “Jews”, “the flag of Israel” also contains the same symbol, so it means it represent the Israel too, but it also have significant value in Hinduism and the rituals of witchcraft and magic etc.
Maybe Masashi Kishimoto shown the chakra in place of the symbol of union.
Flag of Israel.
The base of whole series of Naruto and all the action part in it relies on chakra, because this is the only thing which varies the characters of Naruto from the real world characters (people).
I think the chakra represents Israel or Jewish community. In series when anyone fights he/she use own chakra and the chakra is used as weapon this also represent that fact that Israel gives people weapons, both the bad and good guys get their weapons from same source which is Israel.
Continues use of chakra by every character in Naruto maybe shows how Israel is involved in our daily life with its brands or channels or other goods. In Naruto the amount of chakra required for every technique is different, if you want to use a powerful technique you have to use a big part of chakra which will make you weak, this represents that those countries or communities who have very good relations with Israel or Jewish community are the strongest one and can execute any big act with this power.
The talent or power of each character depends upon his/her work and hard work for making the chakra strong, if we in short says that they are slaves of chakra they only work for it, only eat for it and only train for it, it will not be wrong. It represents the “New world order” that everybody become blind and just work to make only one ruler strong and in exchange the ruler give them what they want as like in Naruto chakra can give you a jutsu in exchange.

As last words I want to end on these words that where we are living today is not an ordinary world, we are not just here to eat and drink. Everything here is telling us something! Everything wants to tell us about itself! What matters is that we want to listen to the truth or not, maybe that’s why its said “universe want to tell us the truth but it depends on our ears that whether they want to listen it or not, then if we want to listen then it depends on our mind whether we want to see it as a truth or false, tever we choose what truth will always be truth and false will always be false, it will be just for our self-satisfactions that we decide its truth or not.”
Chakra In Naruto (a series of manga illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto) almost every character has a special ability a sort of a super human potential which they use to execute a technique known as “Jutsu” in the series. Jutsus are the techniques which are beyond the possibilities for human to perform, jutsu involve in usage of 5 natural elements (fire, water, earth, wind and thunder) according to ones command. The jutsu mainly use those elements as weapon. The super human potential I mentioned earlier is called “Chakra” in the series which is the most essential requirement to execute a technique. The characters don't possesses this beyond human level energy called there chakra from the time of their birth, they have to gain it or more particularly mold it. Diagram showing how both energies are combined together in order to execute elemental jutsu. In manga of Naruto, characters frequently talks about that energy (chakra) and sometimes also explains and gives instruction that how the chakra is molded. They mentioned, “to possess chakra one must go through the process of combination of two elements or the energies which are physical energy which is squeezed from every cell of the body and mantle or spiritual energy which is gained by exercise, training, experience and meditation. One has to combine these two elements in a body and it results in the formation of a compound energy called chakra.” This all was what chakra in Naruto series, now lets take look what are actual concepts of chakra are! The concept of chakra is mainly associated with spiritualism and religious beliefs, the concepts of chakra are widely found in the studies, practices and rituals of Hinduism and Buddhism. The word chakra is from ancient Sanskrit language the word mean “wheels of energy or wheels of energy.” Traditional chakra system. In Japanese language there is also one very similar word “Chikara (力)” which means “power, strength or force” by getting this fact we can get idea why Masashi used chakra as force beyond human levels. In our body there is continues flow of electric current through our nerves, which make our nervous system capable of sending or receiving messages from/to entire body. There are some places where many nerves meet each other and create a complex spindle of nerves, those spindles of nerves are called “Nerve plexuses”. In nerve plexus there is a continues supply of high power electric current which makes them special and this is the property which make them different from other parts of body. “These nerve plexuses are what traditionally called chakras.” The chakra shown in Naruto is basically the addition of concepts from Hinduism about “chakra system” and from china about “yin yang wheel.” I have explained the significance of Naruto chakra according to traditional chakra system from Hinduism beliefs, now I will tell you how the concepts of yin yang wheel are involved: The chakra in Naruto is a compound energy formed due to internal combination of two other elements of entirely different and opposing forces which are physical energy and mantle energy. showing how both energies combine to produce chakra. This combination shows the “symbol of unity” or “Shatkona”, to get this point more efficiently you should first know about Shatkona symbol. Shatkona is a Sanskrit compound word made with the combination of word “shat meaning six” and “kona means corners or points”, it is a symbol made up of combination of two different triangles. The one with its point downward represent the things and matters related to the world and humans, while the one with its point in upward direction shows the things and the matters related to the world after death or the spiritual world and related to god, souls and angels. Shatkona represents the union of God with man and this world with that world (world after death) that why its called “symbol of unity”. This symbol of unity is mainly associated as the symbol of “Jews”, “the flag of Israel” also contains the same symbol, so it means it represent the Israel too, but it also have significant value in Hinduism and the rituals of witchcraft and magic etc. Shatkona Maybe Masashi Kishimoto shown the chakra in place of the symbol of union. Flag of Israel. The base of whole series of Naruto and all the action part in it relies on chakra, because this is the only thing which varies the characters of Naruto from the real world characters (people). I think the chakra represents Israel or Jewish community. In series when anyone fights he/she use own chakra and the chakra is used as weapon this also represent that fact that Israel gives people weapons, both the bad and good guys get their weapons from same source which is Israel. Continues use of chakra by every character in Naruto maybe shows how Israel is involved in our daily life with its brands or channels or other goods. In Naruto the amount of chakra required for every technique is different, if you want to use a powerful technique you have to use a big part of chakra which will make you weak, this represents that those countries or communities who have very good relations with Israel or Jewish community are the strongest one and can execute any big act with this power. The talent or power of each character depends upon his/her work and hard work for making the chakra strong, if we in short says that they are slaves of chakra they only work for it, only eat for it and only train for it, it will not be wrong. It represents the “New world order” that everybody become blind and just work to make only one ruler strong and in exchange the ruler give them what they want as like in Naruto chakra can give you a jutsu in exchange. As last words I want to end on these words that where we are living today is not an ordinary world, we are not just here to eat and drink. Everything here is telling us something! Everything wants to tell us about itself! What matters is that we want to listen to the truth or not, maybe that’s why its said “universe want to tell us the truth but it depends on our ears that whether they want to listen it or not, then if we want to listen then it depends on our mind whether we want to see it as a truth or false, tever we choose what truth will always be truth and false will always be false, it will be just for our self-satisfactions that we decide its truth or not.” @riyakatasada からのツイート

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Starting of Naruto and the hidden significance in it. 
The story of naruto starts with the story of the naruto uzumaki as he became the jinchuuriki(demon holder) of a nine tailed demon fox, which was attacking the hidden village of leaf in order to protect village from that demon fox the leader of that period of that village named Minato Namikaze sealed the body of nine tailed demon fox into his own son naruto, this cause to ruin the entire life of naruto because he begin to get recognized with his new identity which is a demon fox not naruto, this recognition of him among all of the people forced him to lose everyone of his friends and family and get alone, but this developed a dream to him which was his recognition as the most powerful ninja of his country. the story of naruto begins with a sacrifice of naruto, his body, his will and and his life. 
Nine tailed demon fox also known as kyubi九尾

The human sacrifice has a very great significance in almost every ancient societies. it as a common thought among most of them that one get power, prosperity or wealth in exchange of human lives.
hawaiian sacrifice

 The long time have been passed but nothing get changed the people still believe the same and sacrifice of children is still continued for example we all know the common sacrifices of children in Uganda for the purpose of getting prosperity and wealth, the child sacrifice also have significant importance in rituals of witchcraft and magic.
maybe masashi kishimoto begun the series of naruto with the sacrifice of naruto life to nine tails fox for any special reason.
Naruto just after sealing of kyubi chakra in him.
the nine tailed demon fox get sealed in naruto with a very special technique wich converted the huge gigantic body of nine tails into the form of energy or called Chakra in naruto series, from the state of matter which is done as the theory of mass energy interconversion proposed by famous scientist albert einstein(mathematically written as E=mc2) which states that if e produce the motion in anybody double than that of the speed of light it will lose it form and get converted into energy, energy don't have any specific shape or form so a huge amount of it can be stored in even a tiny body. exactly same happened in case of naruto where a huge body get converted in energy or Chakra and the get sealed inside of naruto( a new born baby).